Conn. Ins. L. J.: Call for Papers- Insurance & Discrimination (Vol. 27.1)

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The Connecticut Insurance Law Journal Call for Papers Regarding:
The effect and relationship between insurance and insurance products on discrimination, implicit and explicit biases, and proposed resolutions. 

Deadline: September 1, 2020 (final papers due October 1, 2020)

The Connecticut Insurance Law Journal is looking for articles, essays, comments, and notes on insurance and discrimination. The selected papers will be published in Volume 27, Issue 1, set to publish by early 2021.

Although this issue will feature a variety of insurance-related articles—including an overview of insurance in the COVID-19 pandemic and commentary on the Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance—the Connecticut Insurance Law Journal recognizes the important role insurance plays in society and in furthering implicit and explicit biases. While insurance is intended to serve as a safety net for individuals, businesses, and entities, it often emphasizes and contributes to biases and discriminatory outcomes by the use of, for example, outdated or incorrect underwriting algorithms, credit scores, and artificial intelligence. We welcome articles which discuss this important issue, or present ways in which the insurance industry can better serve all members of society.

We will feature chosen articles from a variety of lawyers, insurance industry leaders, students, activists, and sociologists. Papers should generally be between 10–25 pages. After selection, the final drafts are due October 1, 2020.

Society improves by consistent reflection and improvement: the insurance industry is no exception.

Submission: To submit your paper for consideration, please send the written document (in document format, not PDF) and a copy of your CV to or submit via Scholastica or ExpressO by September 1, 2020. Any questions or comments can be directed to


Haley A. Hinton, Editor-in-Chief