Call for Symposium Proposals: Florida Law Review

Posted by Emma Towler, community karma 7887

The Florida Law Review is accepting symposium proposal submissions for the 2025–2026 academic year. Proposals will be continuously accepted with a preference for those submitted by April 7, 2025.

Proposals should include the following information:

  • A detailed description of the symposium topic. We are looking for timely topics that will contribute to legal scholarship.

  • A list of both confirmed and anticipated speakers and panelists. 

  • A list of authors who could write articles for the symposium issue. Please provide abstracts for already written pieces that could be part of the issue.

  • Contact information for the symposium organizers.

The Florida Law Review will publish an accompanying issue of five to seven articles dedicated to the symposium topic. For more information on our annual symposia, please visit our website.

Please send proposal submissions to our Symposia Editors, Emma Towler and Tara Garner, at We look forward to reviewing your submissions!

24 days ago