Martin Nechtelberger, PhD


Social Sciences

traffic psychology, business ethics, consumer attitudes

About Me

Born on 11th June in 1978, Leoben, Austria

 Current Positions:

  • CEO of Austrian Academy of Psychology (AAP),

  •  Adjunct Lecturer at University of Nicosia, Cyprus

(2) Main Areas of Research

Higher education, corporate management, business ethics, traffic psychology

(3) Academic Career

2015     Lecturer in Business Ethics (5 ECTS) in the masters programme in economics and business, Pan-European University, Bratislava

since 2014       Adjunct Faculty Vienna, Department of Social Sciences, University of Nicosia

 2014     Expert in a project of the European Union (ITMS project code 26140230012 - Improving the competitiveness of the Bratislava region through the development of tertiary and further education through the development of tertiary and further education) in cooperation with Paneuropean University, Bratislava (Slovak Republic), from april to december

 2013     diploma in „Initiative proEthik“, registration as member of the Consortium on Business Ethics, Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO)

 2010     registration as business consultant, Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO); covering the whole field of business cunsultancy

 2009     Registration as business consultant (for human resources), Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO);

 2007     Member of the German Association on Traffic Medicine (DGVM e.V.);

 2006     Dr. techn. (doctoral degree in technical sciences), equivalent to a PhD in engineering

 2002     Dipl.-Ing. in industrial engineering (with an emphasis in economics); equivalent to a Masters degree


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