Washington International Law Journal: Call for Symposium Issue Submissions

Posted by Kameron Harmon, community karma 557
Symposium Issue – A Global Reckoning: Answering Calls for Change.

The Washington International Law Journal seeks articles for our annual Symposium issue focusing on the international movement addressing racial and systemic inequity across the globe. The issue will be released Winter 2021, and authors will be featured in our Spring 2021 Symposium. 


The police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and many others have given rise to the latest wave of uprisings in retaliation to police violence and systemic racism—this time bigger than has been seen in decades.  Nearly three months later, as the summer of 2020 comes to a close, protests and clashes with police continue worldwide.  

In the days that followed Floyd’s, Taylor’s, McDade’s, and others’ murders, protests and vigils were held around the globe in solidarity with America’s historically marginalized communities. Not only did communities abroad stand in solidarity with BIPOC in America, but they also sought systemic change within their institutions too.  As the movement for social justice continued to gain inertia, it seemed that every facet of human life began to respond. Global commerce currently demands corporations to publicize a proactive stance toward dismantling racism. Public figures can not escape the magnifying glass that exposes their complicity in, if not active contributions to, racist media and entertainment, hiring practices and working conditions, legislation development and promotion, corporate governance and regulation, and so much more. Moreover, countless countries on almost every continent are taking a more critical look at their systemic inequities and responding in their own ways.

Given the scale and complexity surrounding the global conversation on systemic racism, legal scholars and practitioners are turning a lens on their work and study of law, exploring the unique ways in which the legal field is—or should be—impacted by the growing appetite for change. Lawyers everywhere are asking themselves:

  • Am I, as an attorney, complicit in racism? Is my employer? How?

  • How can I contribute towards progressing a more equitable legal system?

  • How deeply embedded is systemic racism within my legal practice area?

  • What realistic and practical changes can be made, which would leave real and lasting impacts on those harmed by systemic racism?

  • Where do I begin to address the novel legal challenges faced by my clients, who want to effectively dismantle systemic racism within their country and abroad?

The Washington International Law Journal is looking for work reflecting our colleagues’ deliberations on these questions, and all other questions raised by the complex conversations being had at every level of society.


Please submit either through Scholastica or email your materials to winljart@uw.edu. Our Law Review accepts submissions on a rolling basis, but to ensure we receive your submission in time for the Symposium Issue, please complete your submission no later than September 25, 2020. Please see our Scholastica submission page for submission requirements.


  • For questions about manuscript submission or requirements, contact our Chief Articles Editor at winljart@uw.edu.

  • For questions about being featured as a Symposium Author, contact Chief Symposium Director at niccia@uw.edu.