JBAM Call for papers

Posted by Paul Jacques, community karma 2727

Call for Papers

JBAM Special Issue

Challenging Theory with Conceptual Papers

Dear scholars and practitioners,

The Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management (JBAM) is seeking conceptual papers that challenge assumptions and extant theory for a special issue to be published July 2023. Papers should explore new applications of existing theory, especially perspectives other than what consensus in the literature suggests and new ideas that shift, rather than corroborate, theory. Empirical papers that returned non-significant results and were expected to corroborate theory can be reworked into conceptual papers that instead contradict said theory.    

This special issue will expand understanding and interpretation of a range of management topics, including, but not limited to, leadership, followership, individual differences, strategy, conflict resolution, and any other topic that fits within JBAM’s broad scope and context. To be considered for publication, manuscripts should clearly identify the phenomenon under study, the importance of the phenomenon, and both theoretical and practical implications of findings to future research and current practitioners.

About JBAM

JBAM is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes 3 issues per year. Published since 1999, the journal is listed in Cabell’s directory. Topics of interest to the journal’s readers cover a broad range of applied behavioral matters, including both empirical and theoretical manuscripts that advance knowledge and practice in the field. To view recent and past articles published in JBAM, see the journal’s website at https://jbam.scholasticahq.com/issues. To ensure the highest standards of quality, JBAM uses double-anonymous review to select manuscripts for publication.

Submission and Publication Dates

Manuscript submission due date:       10 June 2023

Review outcome:                                30 June 2023

Revisions due:                                    15 July 2023

Publish date:                                       31 July 2023

Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to the field of management and disseminate your research to a broad audience. Manuscripts should be 4000 to 8000 words. Detailed guidelines for authors can be found at https://jbam.scholasticahq.com/for-authors. We look forward to receiving your submission.


Dr. Paul H. Jacques

Editor, JBAM

1 Comment

Marcel Minutolo, community karma 1995
Great journal!! High quality research and the editorial team is very supportive.
almost 2 years ago
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