Indiana Law Review Call for Submissions - Transportation Infrastructure Law and Policy Symposium Issue

Posted by Hannah Hulsey, community karma 39

Dear Scholars,

The Indiana Law Review cordially invites you to submit an article manuscript for publication consideration in ILR’s Volume 55 Symposium Issue, to be published in Spring 2022. ILR is seeking articles from diverse scholars in various areas of law who will contribute to legal scholarship concerning transportation infrastructure law and policy.

Topics for articles may include, but are not limited to:

  • Transportation planning and environmental law (Clean Air Act, NEPA, fuel use, environmental justice, and climate change)
  • Preparing for threats to the transportation infrastructure (e.g., security for cyber-attacks and terrorism)
  • Racial justice and equity in transportation policy
  • Local, state, and federal roles in transportation infrastructure investments
  • Innovation in transportation and resulting policy (autonomous vehicle legislation, ridesharing law)
  • Traffic volume and improving the performance of travel systems, including Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
  • Reimagining highways, transit, and rail for the future
  • Land use/zoning issues in transportation infrastructure
  • Historical approaches to transportation policy
  • Intersection between transportation and other social determinants of health (safe/affordable housing, access to medical care, economic stability, and educational opportunities)
  • Diverging transportation needs in urban and rural communities
  • Transportation’s impact on economic development

Please submit your article manuscripts to or via Scholastica no later than February 1, 2022. Submissions should include:

  1. One copy of the manuscript, double-spaced, with one-inch margins (Note: All citations should conform to the current edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation)
  2. Abstract of the manuscript
  3. Curriculum vitae for the author(s)
  4. Contact information for the fall, spring, and summer, including a telephone number and email address

For submission inquiries, please contact us at

Thank you for considering the Indiana Law Review. We look forward to reviewing your submissions!


over 3 years ago