HPHR Journal Releases 11 New Calls for Submission Due Oct 22. Learn more at HPHR.org.

Posted by Circe LeCompte, community karma 4947
HPHR Journal (formerly known as the Harvard Public Health Review) has released 11 new calls for submissions

When Are Submissions Due? October 22, 2021  

Are There Specific Guidelines? 
Guidelines are available here
Who May Submit: The Journal invites emerging and established researchers, activists, and thought-leaders representing diverse universities, nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations, health care settings, community-based and grassroots organizations, and other settings to submit materials for consideration.

What Specific Topics Should Be Addressed?

  • Edition 36 – Maternal and Child Health
  • Edition 37 – Immigration
  • Edition 38 – Anniversary of HIV
  • Edition 39 – Health Communication and Education
  • Edition 40 – Public Health Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • Edition 41 – Global Food and Nutrition
  • Edition 42 – LGBTQIA+ Health
  • Edition 43 – The Health of Transgender & Gender Nonconforming (TGNC) Persons
  • Edition 44 – Disability & Public Health
  • Edition 45 – Artificial Intelligence & Public Health
  • Edition 46 – Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Where Can I Send Questions?:  Send inquiries to editorial@harvardpublichealthreview.org.