The Syracuse Law Review has chosen as its symposium topic one specifically designed for the advocacy community! The topic for the symposium edition is Advocacy and Litigation. The Syracuse Law review is currently soliciting proposals for articles that fit within this subject area.
We hope this symposium edition of the Law Review will highlight the excellent scholarship being produced by members of the advocacy community, promote the exchange of advocacy related ideas, and help further develop a deeper understanding of our craft. In addition to having your article published in the Syracuse Law Review, authors will be invited to present their articles at the Law Review symposium taking place in October 2025 in Syracuse, New York.
While we construe advocacy and litigation broadly, and are open to a wide range of topics, we identified three broad categories in which advocacy and litigation topics might fit.
1. Pedagogical approaches related to advocacy instruction (for example, how best to give feedback in a trial practice class or teach cross-cultural negotiation).
2. Advancing and refining our understanding of effective real-world advocacy (for example, do you really win the case at opening, or the role of narrative in jury decision making).
3. The Intersection of Legal Doctrine and Advocacy and Litigation (for example, a criminal defendant has a constitutional right to a certain jury instruction or identifying a rule of evidence that should be reformed).
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please note the following:
April 20: Authors’ deadline to submit proposals. Proposals should not exceed 2 pages and should include:
- Estimated word count (essays under 10,000 words, or articles up to 20,000 words)
- Author’s CV.
Proposals may be submitted to and CC
April 25: Author's will be notified of acceptance and deadline provided to return signed publication contract.
August 31: Authors’ deadline to submit manuscripts.
October: Law review symposium (October 2025, date forthcoming).
If you have any questions about the topic or the Symposium, please email the Syracuse Law Review Volume 76 Editor-in-Chief, Julia Copperwheat, at, or otherwise send a message within Scholastica to the journal. Thank you!