Call for Submissions - Stetson Business Law Review

Posted by Lauren Fleming, community karma 27
The Stetson Business Law Review (SBLR) at Stetson University College of Law invites submissions for its inaugural issue, which likely will be published in April or May of 2022.

SBLR’s inaugural issue will focus on hot topics in the field of business law. As a new publication, we welcome traditional law review articles, non-traditional commentaries, essays, and pieces from both established and new scholars. Critical perspectives are most welcome. Moreover, building on Stetson’s history as a premier law school in the field of legal advocacy, submissions with an advocacy and practical focus are encouraged.

SBLR is also planning an exciting symposium, which will bring together national experts to discuss current issues in white collar crime. The symposium is scheduled to take place in late February of 2022. We also are accepting submissions for that symposium at this time.

Submissions for the inaugural issue should be approximately 15 to 50 pages, double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Citations should generally comply with 
The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. All submissions should be submitted via e-mail to Please feel free to contact the Editorial Board at with any questions.  

We look forward to your submissions!