Call for Student Writing

Posted by Articles Editor, community karma 53


We are currently seeking articles written by students for our upcoming summer 2022 symposium. Articles will be accepted on a rolling basis before March 20th, 2022. Please have all submissions submitted on or before March 20th. 

The Arizona Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (AJELP) is a prominent law journal in the field of environmental law and policy. As a journal our goal is to bridge the gap between science, law and policy. With that goal in mind, we will be accepting all articles on the topics of environmental law, the intersections between environmental law and other fields of law, environmental policy, resource management, natural resource law, energy law and water law. Any articles that do not fit within the above criteria will not be considered. 

Please submit all articles to scholastica or email them directly to We do not have a strict word limit, but submissions should be under 60 pages and double spaced. Please include a CV and/or resume with your submission.