Call for Papers: Environmental and Natural Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas and Texas Environmental Law Journal

Posted by Clara Migala, community karma 37
The Environmental and Natural Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas (ENRLS) and the Texas Environmental Law Journal (TELJ) are preparing for their 2025 Climate Change and Energy Transition Symposium. With the 2025 Symposium, TELJ will be publishing a special edition dedicated to innovation and thought leadership toward
meeting the challenges of climate change and the energy transition.

TELJ seeks student-written articles discussing the role and function of legal / regulatory
systems in solutions to climate change, mitigation, and adaptation strategies and in facilitating the energy transition. Potential topics include: decarbonization, carbon markets, carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS), state and local land use, transportation, coastal zone and agricultural land management, endangered species protection, property and casualty insurance, and administrative law issues.

The symposium seeks to harness innovative approaches and thought leadership on the
response to climate change. Papers that are prescriptive / aspirational are preferred. Submissions must be of publishable quality but may be relatively brief (e.g., 10 pages). Multidisciplinary and interdepartmental collaborations are encouraged.

Additional submission specifications:
• Length: 10-15 double-spaced pages (2,500-3,750 words), although longer
submissions will be considered.
• Citations:
- Citations must be included throughout the written submissions.
- Citations should be placed in footnotes not endnotes or in-text citations.
- Submissions should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed.) to the extent possible. To encourage multidisciplinary and interdepartmental collaborations for purposes of this special edition, TELJ may relax its usual scrutiny of Bluebook conformity.
• Structure: Because the purpose of the symposium and special TELJ edition is to
discuss innovative approaches to addressing climate change, the papers can have
more structural, stylistic, and substantive flexibility than typical law review articles.
• Abstract/synopsis: Due to the article length preferences, please do not include an
article abstract in the written submission. An overview of the article can be
included in a cover letter with your submission.
• File format: Microsoft Word
• Originality/Copyright: The written submission must be author’s original work,
and the author must have the right to publish the work.

Submissions are due to before 5:00 PM CST on August 9, 2024.
Accepted papers will be published in a special edition of the TELJ. Authors of papers
selected for publication will be invited to present at the Symposium in Austin, Texas in
April 2025. Final event details will be announced in the Fall of 2024.