Call for Abstracts and Papers: Conference - Confucianism and World Disharmony

Posted by R. James Ferguson, community karma 27
The international conference 'Confucianism and World Disharmony: The Quest for Harmony in Difference' will be held from Wednesday 28th August to Friday 30th August 2019 at Bond University on the Gold Coast, Australia. It is hosted by the Centre for East-West Cultural and Economic Studies (Bond University), organised with the World Consortium for Research in Confucian Cultures and The Centre for East-West Relations (Beijing Foreign Studies University). Themes include: 

  • Harmony and Everyday Experience in Confucian Thought
  • The Language and Practice of Harmony: Comparative Perspectives
  • Confucianism in Expanding Asian and Global Contexts: North to South, East to West
  • Confucian Approaches to Aesthetics
  • Confucius and Confucianism: Philosophy and Institution
  • Confucianism and Education
  • Avoiding Conflict and Moderating War: Transformative Relations in Confucianism
  • Chinese Diplomatic Dialogues: Past and Present
  • ‘Peace’ in Comparative Perspectives
  • Conceiving a Good Life: Confucian and non-Confucian Perspectives
  • Inter-Cultural and Inter-Civilizational Approaches to Global Harmony
Recommended Submission Timeline:
  • Abstract Submissions (150-300 words): Friday 5 April 2019
  • Paper or Slides Submission: Friday 16th August 2019
  • Initial Review Process of Chapters for future publication: September-December 2019
CONTACT: Dr. R. James Ferguson (; Dr. Yi Chen (;