2018 Emerging Scholar Award - Call for Submissions from the Denver Law Review

Posted by Zach Lass, community karma 39

Vol. 96 Emerging Scholar Award: Call for Submissions

The Denver Law Review is pleased to announce the 2018 Emerging Scholar Award submission period.

This exclusive publication opportunity is for all scholars who have: (1) received their J.D. as of March 1, 2018; (2) not yet accepted a tenure-track teaching position; and (3) not held full-time teaching positions for more than three years.

The scheduled recipient will receive an award of $500 and publication in Issue 1, Volume 96 of the Denver Law Review, scheduled for early 2019.

We will accept submissions for the Emerging Scholar Award from April 2, 2018, until April 9, 2018. Our Articles Committee will review all submitted articles and respond to authors by April 20, 2018.

To participate, please email your article and CV to Zach Lass, Senior Articles Editor, at zlass19@law.du.edu with the subject line "Emerging Scholar Award." This opportunity is open to articles that were previously submitted to the Denver Law Review, but we kindly ask that you resubmit your articles directly to Zach Lass in order to be eligible for the Award.

Please Note: By submitting your article during the defined entrance period, you agree to accept a binding offer for publication if an offer is extended.

Additional Information can be found here: http://www.denverlawreview.org/emerging-scholar-award/

Information on Past Emerging Scholar Award Recipients

The Emerging Scholar Award is now in its fifth year. The inaugural winner, Professor Goldburn P. Maynard, Jr., is currently an Assistant Professor at the Louis D. Brandeis School of Law and notes that the Emerging Scholar Award helped him distinguish himself from other academic candidates. Last year’s winner, Daniela Abratt, is currently serving as a Law Clerk to the Honorable Robin S. Rosenbaum on the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. After her clerkship, she plans to return to the civil rights field and hopes to enter academia. Two years ago, Adam Feldman, who recently completed a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and has subsequently begun a postdoctoral fellowship at Columbia Law School, won the award. Adam has recent publications with other journals, including: Villanova Law Review, Marquette Law Review, Mississippi Law Journal, the Journal of Appellate Practice and Process, and the Journal of Law and Policy. His blog, Empirical SCOTUS, has also gained popularity among avid Supreme Court watchers. Adam credits winning the Emerging Scholar Award with extending his legal audience for his important empirical work.

Now is an optimal time to publish with the Denver Law Review. In recent years, we have featured works by distinguished scholars including Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Professors Catharine MacKinnon, Kathryn Abrams, Katherine Franke, Evan Lee, and Mark Tushnet. We are excited to honor talented new scholars and look forward to reviewing your submissions.